Contact Information
200 Gregory Hall
Urbana, IL 61801
Research Areas
Research Description
I specialize in early and late modern European philosophy, with a particular focus on Kant's theoretical philosophy.
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University.
Recent Publications
1. “Rational Responsibility and the Assertoric Character of Bald-Faced Lies,” Analysis 75:4 (2015) 550-54
2. “Unconscious Representations in Kant’s Early Writings,” Kantian Review 23:2 (2018) 257-84
3. “Kant on Consciousness in Animals,” Studi Kantiani 31 (2018) 75-107
4. “Wolff, Baumgarten, and the Technical Idiom of Post-Leibnizian Philosophy of Mind,”
Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 21 (2018) 129-48
5. “Kant and the Primacy of Judgment Before the First Critique,” Journal of the History of Philosophy
57:2 (2019) 281-312
6. “Kant, Organisms, and Representation” Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 79 (2020) 101223: 1-10